“Discreet – The Movie CC” (The CC) is a closed corporation that is being set up specifically for the purpose of making a film of the play. The CC will be run by members of the production companies Black Brain Pictures CC and the partnership Scramble Productions.
Black Brain Pictures and Scramble Productions have already committed R1 Million to the project. They have put together a mechanism, with assistance from their lawyers at 'Rosin Wright Rosengarten', to enable outside investors to become involved in the production. Investors would, in this regard, come on board as Associate Producers of the movie.Investment in the project starts at R5000 a unit, there are only 200 units available to raise an additional R1 000 000. Terms and conditions of the investment are set out in our business plan available on request from scramble@telkomsa.net or to be viewed online at http://www.discreetmovie.blogspot.com/.