In a society that promotes sexual promiscuity and where true honesty is a rare commodity, Monique and Thomas take the audience on a funny, poignant and brutal journey of self-examination.
All of us think about love on a day-to-day basis: what would we do for love? Are we really in love? Do we fall into it uncontrollably, or decide to live up to it with each passing day? How we answer these questions goes a long way to determining how honest we are with ourselves and our loved ones. Entangled in all this mess is our belief (or lack thereof) in a higher power and how it contributes to our relationships.
Discreet is the movie that tackles all these questions while offering a fresh perspective - Adam and Eve’s fig leaves have been moved from below the waist to in front of the eyes. No longer is shame associated with nakedness and sexuality. These days we are afraid to expose our souls to one another.